Carina Albuquerque


Carina Albuquerque é uma violoncelista com uma carreira consolidada, tendo se apresentado em diversas salas de concerto na Europa, incluindo o Barbican Hall, Wigmore Hall e Vredenburg Muzikcentrum. Ela realizou sua estreia solo com a Orquestra do Norte em 2007, tocando o Concerto para Violoncelo e Orquestra de Elgar. Ao longo de sua carreira, conquistou prêmios em competições como o North London Music Festival e o Prêmio Jovens Músicos da RDP, além de receber bolsas de estudo da Leverhulme Trust e da Vasconcellos Award.

Graduada pela Guildhall School of Music and Drama, em Londres, Carina é membro fundadora do Quarteto Da Capo, vencedor do Gerald Heller & Rosemary Rappaport Intercollegiate String Quartet Prize em 2006. Além disso, integra o Octeto de Violoncelos 'Lusocello Ensemble' e já foi membro do Trio Vianna da Motta. A sua paixão pela música de câmara a levou a participar em festivais como o Elizabeth Maconchy Festival e o Simpósio Internacional para Quartetos de Cordas em Londres. Desde 2006, é membro da Orquestra do Norte.

Carina Albuquerque is a cellist with an established career, having performed in several concert halls in Europe, including the Barbican Hall, Wigmore Hall and Vredenburg Muzikcentrum. She made her solo debut with the Orchestra of the North in 2007, playing Elgar's Concerto for Cello and Orchestra. Throughout her career, she has won prizes in competitions such as the North London Music Festival and the RDP Young Musicians Award, as well as receiving scholarships from the Leverhulme Trust and the Vasconcellos Award.

A graduate of the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London, Carina is a founding member of the Da Capo Quartet, winner of the Gerald Heller & Rosemary Rappaport Intercollegiate String Quartet Prize in 2006. She is also a member of the Cello Octet 'Lusocello Ensemble' and was once a member of the Vianna da Motta Trio. Her passion for chamber music has led her to take part in festivals such as the Elizabeth Maconchy Festival and the International Symposium for String Quartets in London. Since 2006, she has been a member of the Orquestra do Norte.



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